Dysart Boxers

We hope you enjoy the stories and pictures of Boxers we have owned and loved in the past, as well as our young hopefuls for the future.

Breo, Heike & Charli

Dysart Dandylion     

So far we have been unable to locate any photos of Jim's first Boxer 'Paddy' or Carol's first Boxer 'Buns'.   We will keep on nagging our relatives until they give in and search their attics for those ancient photo albums.

We also can't find any photos of Jim's first bitch, 'Silver Pippin' or his first home bred dog 'Son of Blue John', but we do have copies of their pedigrees and registration forms. We have included them here, as they are our only mementoes of dogs which are now long gone to the rainbow bridge.   We also hope they might be of interest to anyone who researches old pedigrees and perhaps also anyone new to Boxers. (You can find these documents in our Scrapbook)

Tina, Judy & Punch )  Titus, Donja & Phena )  Steffi & Beamish )  Holly )  Breo & Debbie )  Clover & Elsa ) 
Scrapbook )  Photo Gallery )